The Pets of Liberty Mountain

April 7, 2022 210 view(s)

The Pets of Liberty Mountain

National Pet Day is on April 11th every year. If you have any pets, you know that everyday is a day to celebrate them, but on National Pet Day we are going to celebrate our animal companions a little bit more, with that in mind... we'd like to introduce the pets of Liberty Mountain! 

Here are my amazing, gorgeous, perfect dogs. The yellow Labrador is Trooper, and the black Labrador/German Shepherd is Barnabas. Barnabas is named after the pet alligator in Trolls, and he has fully taken that on as his personality. Trooper is a gentle, old soul. Their absolute favorite place to be is camping at our property in the Uinta’s.

-Michelle Bollmeyer, Sales

Nova was born on my birthday last year -- which I took as a sign that I should get her. She was the runt, but you'll never convince her of that. Whether it's running, retrieving, tracking, or licking your face off, she's always ready to work.

-Christopher Davis, Sales

This is bubba. He is pit bull/American bully mix. He loves going on truck rides. We go on trail rides to the mountains and deserts. Loves anyone that will pet him. 

-Lynann Banks, Warehouse

Meet the Miller Farm, Bear (Springer Spaniel), Daisy (Britney Spaniel), Ollivander (mischievous cat), and Edna, Jolene, and Martha (the chicks). Somehow they are all able to coexist and fill our lives with more animal energy than we know to deal with sometimes, but we wouldn’t want it any other way.

-Bridget Miller, Marketing

This is my dog, Sydney. I’ve had her since she was a pup, and she turned 5 in October 2021. She has been my best buddy through three moves across three states and across the country. She’s always a bit timid and scared of new things at first, but she loves being out hiking, swimming, and especially loves the snow! She’s a pro at napping on the couch, but she also jumps at the opportunity to go out for an adventure. She likes playing with her best buddy and doppelganger, Goose. When he is not free for a playdate, Sydney just entertains herself with her frisbee. When we return from our outings, she enjoys munching on a celebratory ice cube.

-Jen Hilterman, Sales

Finnegan is a 6 year old Cocker Spaniel who still acts like a puppy and is called by more nicknames than his actual name (Ex. Finny, Mr. Wiggles, Wiggly Butt, Finn, Schnoof, Booger). He loves to go trail running, camping, hiking, or anything that gives him the chance to chase squirrels! Finnegan won’t go anywhere without his tennis ball, or his wiggly butt! He is often described as majestic as he runs towards you with his ears blowing in the wind. When it comes to cuddling; Finnegan loves to curl up in a ball and form his body to your chest, so he’s always the little spoon! He also is a very vocal dog, he loves to make sure all the other dogs know he’s coming when we take walks in the neighborhood and loves to say hi to his friendly neighborhood dogs before we make it to the park to play fetch! Finnegan is the perfect amount of loving and playful and will never say no to an adventure!

-Emily Trombly, Marketing

Clover: She’s a hound mix named after the Vermont state flower, the red clover.  She used to be a full on mountain dog, but, after suffering a spinal injury and subsequent surgery, she mainly spends her days sleeping on the couch and barking at anything (real or not real) that comes anywhere near our house.  She really dislikes the mailman.  Clover’s lifetime achievements include treeing a black bear in Vermont, ending the lives of several squirrels, the doggy FKT of The Great Range Traverse in New York’s Adirondacks, summiting several 4th class peaks throughout the west, and consuming 3lbs of pulled pork in less than 10 minutes.  She’ll steal any unattended food, but will also steal your heart with her sweet and gentle demeanor.

Linus: He’s an Australian Cattle Dog/Black and Tan Coonhound mix.  His mother is a farm dog and his father is a large game hunting dog.  He’s a ball of energy who, at a young age, learned to crush it in the mountains.  His favorite Wasatch peak is Gobblers Knob and, in his short time on this earth, has already summited the mountain a dozen times.  He enjoys playing Frisbee and fetching balls.  Linus is a real dog’s dog and can keep up with the best of them in spirited games of chase and grapple.  He looks forward to the day where he is trained enough to be an off leash mountain dog so he can go on trail runs with his mom and dad without causing terrible mental anguish and stress.  He doesn’t understand why he can’t sleep on the bed, but tries every single night.  Linus has a lot to learn, but is smart, though distracted, and has a lot of potential to be the world’s next stand out mountain athlete.

Stump and Kale: They are mother and daughter Albino New Zealand rabbits who spend most of their days rummaging around in their hutch waiting hopefully for uneaten vegetables that are on the verge of going bad.  Summer is their favorite season as excess garden vegetables tend to get thrown in and around the hutch.  Their favorite activity is digging holes under their run and escaping into the neighborhood.

Unnamed Chickens: We recently added 10 chickens to our clan.  A mix of Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Wyandottes, Frizzles, Sex Links, and Barred Rocks.  They are only 3 weeks old and we’ll give them names as their personalities start to bloom.  They currently live inside a box in our garage, but we’re in the process of building a chicken coup using old Liberty Mountain pallets.  I’ve included a picture.

-David Mitchell, Buyer

This is Banksy Boy Cornchip, she’s a 1 yr old lab/husky, and her 1 yr old brother Sir Mischief McClaw-Claw. Banks love’s her brother and all people that aren’t men (there are a few exceptions to that rule). She loves to maul you with kisses and hugs… always…. When she’s not loving on people you can find her running around with her kong ball or looking for food that some of her small human siblings left on the floor. She loves rides in the car and kids…. The smaller the human the better. She loves them so much! Sir Mischief is such a lovey honey angel cupcake with whipped cream and sprinkles. He loves to talk to you and is constantly walking through the house saying “Hello” looking for his humans. In the early morning hours Sir Mischief loves to get as low to the ground as possible and go outside to explore… He’s super brave… Until he hears any sounds, then he runs back inside. Sir Mischief and Banks can be regularly found around the house snuggled up to each other or wrestling. We love them so much!

-Amanda Merrill, Accounting

Bunnies: Truffle and Comet are 6 month old Lionhead Lops. Their biggest adventure so far is hopping around the yard and trying to stay away from our dog Millie!

Dog: Millie is our sweet Bernedoodle. She loves all sorts of weather but her favorite by far is winter, especially when there is snow on the ground! She loves to go on hiking adventures or just lounge in the yard. As long as she’s with her family, she’s a happy doggie.

-Nicole Porter, Sales

Being a German Shepherd, Zoey excels at upholding law and order. She likes to make sure everyone is following the rules- especially the cat. Zoey is convinced the cat is quietly scheming to kill us and eat all the food.  She tolerates Polar because he doesn’t make sudden movements and occasionally cleans her ears.

Polar is an Alaskan Shepherd and is the baby of the family. His hobbies include lying on the kitchen floor directly behind the feet of whatever poor unsuspecting human trips over him. He also likes to sit on laps and pretend he doesn’t weigh 100 pounds.

Then there’s the cat. The cat, at seven years old, has still not formally received a name, and is affectionately referred to as, “Cat.” The cat might actually be scheming to kill us but will probably never get around to it. He likes spending his time intentionally breaking the house rules to infuriate Zoey, and finding whatever sliver of sunlight he can lay half of his body in. The cat also likes to sleep on dad’s face.

-Evan McCain, Marketing

Winston is an indoor cat but he acts like a dog, plays fetch, loves people and we occasionally we take him on walks. 

Fern (green): loves to hangout and is very vocal and croaks all the time. She likes male voices and loud music! 

Bear (brown):  Is shy and grumpy  but not in her appetite. She eats everything in sight and likes to climb!  

-Brittany Woods, Accounting

Ramona (Left) and Nellie (Right) are 2 year old twin sisters. They enjoy looking out the window, from a vantage point atop their cat tree, asking for more food while there is food in their bowl and running into places they aren’t allowed! Ramona’s favorite adventure is when dad leaves the bedroom door cracked open and she can run in. Nellie’s favorite adventure is when mom leaves the window open too much and she gets to sneak outside.

-Alex Davies, Accounting

Do you have any pets? Leave a comment below with your pet's name and what adventures you have with them. Happy National Pet Day!

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